I want to welcome you to this blog hop that will begin on November 12th and go through to Nov 17th. This blog hop is brought to you by me, A...

Blog Hop Announcement!!

By 12:55 PM

I want to welcome you to this blog hop that will begin on November 12th and go through to Nov 17th. This blog hop is brought to you by me, Angela Holt and sponsored by Want2scrap. There will fabulous blogs to hop too, prizes to be won and more!!! I hope that you can attend!!! There will be a facebook event started for this hop so that you can book make the time. Also, if you would like to share this with you fellow crafters, you can snag the blinkie to the left<----------.

I cant wait to share with you the wonderful blogs that you will be hopping to, the awesome projects that will be made, and simply bringing in the Holiday cheer!!!

Thank you!!

Your Crafting Educator,
Angela Holt

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