Hello Crafty Peeps!! I was simply honored that was chosen to be a Featured Artist in this amazing group!! I asked for a questionnaire for I ...

Interview for Close Friends Q and A

By 4:45 PM

Hello Crafty Peeps!! I was simply honored that was chosen to be a Featured Artist in this amazing group!! I asked for a questionnaire for I love questionnaires!!Below you will find the link to my Video Interview with questions brought to you by Jm Monroe. Below are also links to everything about me, my gallery, my bog and more!!! let me know if you have any questions!!! Thank you all again for your support, kindness and simply being a fab friend!!!

LINK TO VIDEO: http://youtu.be/qNWLUTZgXNA
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AHoltDesigns
Ustream Show: http://www.ustream.tv/channel/the-bling-chronicles
Blog: http://www.angelaholtdesigns.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AHDesigns1
Linkedin: http://www.linkedin.com/pub/angela-holt/44/306/44a/

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