My New Year's Affirmation
This is more than a resolution. This is my affirmation for the year 2015.
The year of 2015 will be one of the most successful years of my crafting career. It will eclipse all others before it. I will love more, create more, inspire more, give more, and BE more than I have ever been in the past years,
True I have had times of wanting to give up and shut it all down. I'm human and the degree of hate and bullying I have pulled through is a damn war within it's self. I have been pulled into situations that I had no business being in, I have said things to hurt people in my time of stress, fear and frustration and I have done things in my life I'm not proud of, I have been used and thrown away by women wanting to achieve the goal I have reached without the work. Be jealous of me and say the most ridiculous intrusive and vulgar things about me. I have been made fun of, hated, talked about, shunned, almost sued for my designs and fake complaints, my face has been imposed onto pornographic imagery and shared to all my business contacts. I have been defamed in more ways you can imagine and hurt on levels that I would not wish on my worst enemy. But that does not define who I am. I have been most blessed in my life too. In the midst of all of this, I still rock the hell out of projects and I still have more people that love, enjoy and get inspired by what I do and that is something they cant take away!! If they do, then it is on the people that believe them.
2015 is the year of change for me. Letting go of the bullshit that was mentioned above and moving on. For this is a year of betterment, growth of my career and brand and my accomplishments. I will work on my emotions and to not make rash decisions in the site of fear which I have been guilty of in doing. I will surpass the haters with my hard work and devotion. For my success is the most powerful revenge I could ever bestow on those that hate me. I will raise my heights by surrounding myself with positive and creative men and women that have my best interest at heart. People that want to have success with me and be on this journey of change.
I will forgive those that have transgressed against me. For my Lord and savior asks this of me. I can only plant the seed of faith and hope. They have to grow up from their childish behaviors and become adults all while realizing that the antics are not going to define me anymore. That no matter what they say or do or try to get others to believe with posts, screenshots, etc.... Is not me or who I am. If anything it would show my past desperate attempts to extend the olive branch to only have it broken and throw at my feet.
How will I do this? Through my immense passion for creating and teaching to the crafting community. Casting a much larger ripple in this vast world that will reach even more people and places than ever before. Through Random acts of kindness and helping those that truly want to share their creativity with the world in a positive and successful light. Not use me and throw me away as so many have done before. With Unconditional love and my compassionate service to the viewing public. I will acknowledge more of the TRUE source of all the blessings in my life with amazing gratitude in my heart brought forth by my Lord and savior.
When I fail at something and find myself falling back into old habits and or into the webs of bullies with their gossips, ridicule, hatred, jealously, those that deem it necessary to bring up my past to get me to respond and fall into their sick and pathetic trap, I will prevail by strengthening my resolve and be a better person than ever before by forgiving more and understanding the short comings that come with people that are so broken and desperate in their lives.
I will achieve my goals through integrity, innovation, my amazing talent, through creative endeavors and be more efficient and inspiring. To BE a GREATER ASSET to the crafting community and the world. I will get published, try out for Design Teams and enter more challenges than before, join more groups and be a part of other Crafter's lives online by showing more support and giving advice and help when asked. I will associate with those that are creative, inspiring and have the simple goals in life such a harmony and peace; simply wanting to create share and learn. To be a better and stronger teacher and designer and also be a student and learn more than years past. I will support more and become a more positive public figure in the creative industry that will enrich me more than ever before,
2015 will lay the foundation for years to come and surpass accomplishments of years past. I believe we all have a creative spark and goals in out lives, I hope the legacy I'm making will inspire and light that very creative spark in people that want to simply create and explore their inner muse.
In closing, I have learned in the 5 years I have been online is the difference between me and those that have stepped all over me to obtain the same goals is the character of the person that is walking the path. For I know I can sleep at night and my conventions are strong and true but they cant and never will be able to say the same in the lives they are leading today.
May God bless you all with love, wealth and good health this year. May you embark on your own journeys of success with the love of God in your heart and with the same empowerment that has sparked in me, For we are never guaranteed tomorrow so live for today!!!
Your Professional Crafting Designer and Educator
Angela Holt